From our Rector
I like to think of Trinity Episcopal Church as a lighthouse. It is a beacon of God’s Truth and Love, perched on the edge of the map to illumine the pilgrim’s path with the true light that has come into the world, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Many faithful Christians have, and do, and will continue to call this place home. There are those who mind the lantern and love and serve God and others in this place. But there are just as many migrants seeking safe passage as they travel the road from brokenness to belief. They are on The Way, and Trinity serves as a holy resting place to be refreshed and nourished.
Amidst the brokenness of humanity, and indeed, the brokenness of the Church, Trinity beckons weary travelers to the safety of its doors, and the infinitely greater beauty of the life-giving and soul-saving gift of Our Lord Jesus Christ and his One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. He is the rock upon which this beacon is built. Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, there is a place for you here.
Pax et bonum (Peace and all good)
Rev. Tommy Sheppard